Quentin Tarantino is prepping a “Secret Screening” for the upcoming Cannes Film Festival

Quentin Tarantino is prepping a “Secret Screening” for the upcoming Cannes Film Festival

Quentin Tarantino will present a “special screening” at the Directors’ Fortnight sidebar competition during this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

Quentin Tarantino, who is prepping his final film, The Movie Critic, will be the guest of honor at the Directors’ Fortnight competition during this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Per the invitation, Tarantino is presenting a “secret screening” for guests of the annual event. In addition to the screening on May 25, Tarantino will share his “counter-history of cinema” theories about 1970s Hollywood. If you feel like you’re missing out, fear not. You can find aspects of the presentation in Tarantino’s new book Cinema Speculation.

The competition, considered by the event as a “counter-programming of free-spirited films from all over the world,” recognizes and celebrates a period in Hollywood history when filmmakers challenged the industry, pushing boundaries while welcoming a new generation of budding talent. While Tarantino remains quiet about the details, he plans to bring “a rockabilly vibe on closing day.” I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know what that means, though I’m sure we’ll hear all about it when this year’s Cannes Film Festival makes headlines.

Late last month, Tarantino dropped new details about what could be his final movie. The director said he’d finished the script for the project, which he confirms will be titled The Movie Critic, and hopes to start shooting later this year. He added that The Movie Critic would be set in 1977 but not about Pauline Kael or devoted to any specific critic.

Plot details about The Movie Critic are being kept under wraps now, but THR‘s sources have described the story as “being set in late 1970s Los Angeles with a female lead at its center.” That’s all we know, but THR wonders if the story could involve Pauline Kael, one of the most influential movie critics ever. Tarantino has long been a fan of Kael, so it’s within the realm of possibility that the director might want to pay tribute to her with his final movie. If you were holding out for Kill Bill Vol. 3, you’re out of luck. The concept would also give Tarantino a chance to dip his toe into all the genres he’s never had the opportunity to do; after all, a movie critic needs movies to critique.

What do you think Tarantino’s “Secret Screening” is all about? Feel free to share your predictions in the comments.

Originally published at https://www.joblo.com/quentin-tarantino-secret-screening-cannes/

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